Habits - Throw Starfish Episode 014

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As the end of the year starts winding down and drawing to a close, we often reflect upon the year gone by and think ahead to the coming. If you are looking to change things in the New Year then you're definitely going to want to listen to this weeks Podcast all about Habits .

I highly recommend Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink it's a great read all about 'The Power of Thinking Without Thinking' and gives an insight in to our instinctive and automatic mental processes that form and influence our habits.

If you are looking to change something it's really important to work out what and why, your current behaviors and the triggers that set them off...and then take the time to work out what the Keystone Habit (have a read of the article) is that underpins / affects this! It may not even seem like you're tackling the right thing with this or that it's too small to make a difference to something significant, but if you can find it over time, the compound effect of these small actions will make tangible, visible differences, helping to improve your happiness and quality of life!

I still have my My Life compass today too!

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